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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Every Day Is A Good Day" - National Suicide Prevention Week

I don't normally post things like this, but in honor of it being National Suicide Prevention Week, I thought I would post a few thoughts on the subject. This past year my hometown community has been rocked by tragedy. I come from a very small close-knit community where everybody knows everybody. This summer we lost a great guy that I went to high school with to cancer, and more recently we lost his best friend to suicide. These deaths shook our community to the core, and for the longest time I couldn't wrap my mind around all of the devastation. Then I realized, this isn't something that you can understand. I was instantly reminded of something one of my favorite teachers said EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. "Every day is a good day." I couldn't help but wonder that if people heard this every day, would they be less likely to harm themselves. Every time I'm having a bad day, the phrase "Every day is a good day," pops into my head. So when you're having hard times, think "Every day is a good day!"

My challenge to you this week is to show people that "Every day is a good day." Remind someone that you love them, be kind to a stranger, lend a listening ear.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255



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